The Humber Bay Arch Bridge

James Hardie Etobicoke

Plank/Hardie Board

Fiber Cement (James Hardie product) is getting quite well know in Etobicoke. Its popularity is due to the fact that it feels and looks more like wood than vinyl siding, and is available in styles that resemble wood shingles, clapboard and vertical panels.

Fiber Cement board is resistant to moisture, insects, rot and hail. It does not rust and the life expectancy is fifty or more years. It is a low-maintenance choice, with power washing suggested once a year to give your home a fresh, new look; after twenty-five years, it may require a coat of paint.

Because of its upscale look and great curb appeal James Hardie has become very popular in the Etobicoke. 

Cost-wise, Fiber Cement is less expensive than wood siding, but more costly than vinyl siding because of its many advantages.

Westwood Siding has been working in Etobicoke for many years and uses James Hardie siding, the world leader in Fiber Cement Siding and Backerboard.

James Hardie Siding products have become very popular and people have been calling the siding “hardie board” or “hardie plank” but the only thing you would be concerned about is that it is indeed made by the Jame Hardie. Installation of Fiber Cement board is best left to professionals, as it requires special tools and experience. With our many years of expertise and experience installing various types of siding and being a James Hardie “Hardie Board” installer  Westwood Siding is the right choice for you.

James Hardie Receives the Good Housekeeping Seal

"Good Housekeeping has granted James Hardie with the Good Housekeeping Seal, a symbol for reliability that consumers trust when making big decisions, like choosing home siding."

Etobicoke homeowners do you NEED SIDING IDEAS?

These are just some ideas of how James Hardie products have been used. These are pictures from the original James Hardie site.

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