Vinyl Siding

Vinyl Siding Toronto

Vinyl Siding Markham

Vinyl Siding

There are many advantages to choosing vinyl siding for your home. It is very durable, lasting about fifty years. Vinyl siding is a very low maintenance material, requiring little or no ongoing maintenance, at the most a power washing once a year.

Vinyl siding is a more affordable option than wood. However, vinyl siding can be textured and molded to look like other materials, such as cedar shingles or wood clapboard.

Non Insulated vinyl has some disadvantages. Because it does not fit tightly against the structure, it is possible for moisture and insects to sneak behind the siding and cause problems. Damage can be caused to the vinyl over time from freezing temperatures, making it brittle. 

Insulated Vinyl Siding has a EPS rigid foam backing.

The EPS rigid foam insulation will reduce the heating and cooling costs of your home, while shielding it from impact damage, noise infiltration, termite nesting and mold growth. It’s a powerful layer of protection you’ll truly appreciate.

To install vinyl siding on your home, a professional installer from Westwood Siding will remove any old siding and install insulation board before the new vinyl siding is put in place.

Vinyl Siding vs Insulated Vinyl Siding:
The Ultimate Comparison

When thinking of Insulated Vinyl Siding get in touch with us today!

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